

(I) 先進奈米薄膜製程實驗室 

實驗室位於工研院奈米中心(67館) 下為實驗室簡圖

A.140室 : 分子束磊晶多腔超真空系統實驗室(MBE-multichamber UHV system Lab)

(I) Advanced Nano Thin Film Epitaxy Lab

The Lab is located in ITRI NanoTechnology Research center (building 67).
This is the sketch of our lab:
A. Room 140 : MBE-multichamber UHV system Lab

圖片左方為電源供應器和一些電子控制儀器,右方依序為成長矽-鍺,成長氧化物和金屬在III-V族材料上,III-V族半導體,及在矽上成長高介電常數的介電層的各種分子束磊晶系統 。

The power supplies and electronics racks are located at the left-hand side, and Si-Ge , Oxide & Metal for III-V , III-V MBE, and High k dielectrics for Si chambers are located at the right-hand side.

可藉由此輸送裝置將試片 由一chamber移至另一chamber,並且在高真空環境中

In-situ UHV transfer modules 

試片裝卸端 Sample Load Lock End 

分子束磊晶系統 MBE SYSTEM 

分子束磊晶(Molecular beam epitaxy )為一精密的真空蒸發系統,在1975年由 Cho and Arthur發展出來的儀器. 

分子束磊晶於高真空或超高真空(ultra-high vacuum,1E−8~1E−12 Torr )的環境進行。最重要的方面是其低沉積率,通常使薄膜以每小時低於3000奈米的速度磊晶生長。如此低的沉積率要求真空程度足夠高,以達到其他沉積方式同等級別的潔淨程度。

Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) can be considered to be a refined form of vacuum evaporation and was first developed, largely by Cho and Arthur(1975). 

Molecular-beam epitaxy takes place in a high vacuum or ultra-high vacuum (1E−8~1E−12 Torr). The most important aspect of MBE is the deposition rate (typically less than 3,000 nm per hour) that allows the films to grow epitaxially. These deposition rates require proportionally better vacuum to achieve the same impurity levels as other deposition techniques. The absence of carrier gases, as well as the ultra-high vacuum environment, 

原子層化學氣相沉積系統 ALD System

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a proven thin film deposition method featuring uniform deposition over a large area, precise thickness control down to angstrom level, lower thermal budget, and conformal coverage for non-planar structure. ALD has been widely used in optical, microelectronic, and biological applications. The basic concepts of ALD are self-limiting surface reactions and sequential exposure to two different reactants, which have been first proposed by in 1965. Figure 1 shows the schematic flow of a complete ALD cycle. In the first step, the substrate was exposed to an inorganic compound such as metal halides or organometallic compound, called precursor A, for a duration. Owing to the self-limiting property of the precursor A, after the saturation reaction between substrate surface and the precursor A was reached, no more reaction will happen. In the second step, N2 or noble gases were introduced to purge the residual precursors and reaction byproduct to avoid direct reaction between precursor A and co-reactant. In the third step, the substrate was exposed to the co-reactant B, usually H2O, for another duration. Due to self-limiting property, after saturation surface reaction between A and B, no more reaction will happen. Finally, the second step was repeated to purge residual precursor and byproduct. ALD has advantages over physical vapor deposition methods such as molecular beam epitaxy, pulsed laser deposition, sputtering and/or chemical vapor deposition; these include the film uniformity over a large substrate and the self-limiting nature. Very importantly, the ability for conformal coverage onto non-planar substrates has been demonstrated using ALD, which is very hard to be accomplished by the PVD methods or CVD, as shown in Fig. 2. ALD precisely controls the film thickness by number of cycles and the growth per cycle is less temperature dependent than CVD; ALD is operated at lower temperature than CVD since the reaction between the precursor and co-reactant does not experience a thermal decomposition

Figure 1. Schematic flow of a complete ALD-Al2O3 cycle

Figure 2. Step coverage of PVD, CVD, and ALD thin film

原子層沉積(ALD)是一種薄膜沉積方法,具有在大面積上均勻沉積,可精確控制厚度至Å ,較低的熱收支和非平面結構保形覆蓋的特點。 ALD已廣泛用於光學,微電子和生物應用。 ALD的基本概念是自限表面反應和順序暴露於兩種不同的反應物,這是1965年首次提出的。圖1顯示了完整ALD循環的流程示意圖。在第一步中,將基材暴露於無機化合物(例如金屬鹵化物或有機金屬化合物,稱為前體A)一段時間。由於前體A的自限性,在達到基材表面與前體A之間的飽和反應之後,將不再發生反應。在第二步中,引入N2或稀有氣體以吹掃殘留的前體和反應副產物,以避免前體A與共反應物之間直接反應。在第三步中,將底材暴露於通常為H2O的共反應物B下另一個時間。由於具有自限性,在A和B之間發生飽和表面反應後,將不再發生反應。最後,重複第二步以清除殘留的前體和副產物。 ALD比物理氣相沉積方法具有優勢,例如分子束外延,脈衝激光沉積,濺射和/或化學氣相沉積;這些包括大基材上的薄膜均勻性和自限性。非常重要的是,已使用ALD證明了在非平面基板上進行保形覆蓋的能力,這很難通過PVD方法或CVD來完成,如圖2所示。ALD通過循環次數精確地控制薄膜厚度並且每個循環的生長對溫度的依賴性小於CVD; ALD在比CVD更低的溫度下運行,因為前體與共反應物之間的反應不會發生熱分解

濺鍍機 Sputtering System 

Sputtering is one of the most commonly used methods for the deposition of thin films. Because of its simplicity the physical processes involved, versatility of the technique, and flexibility for alteration and customization, it is widely used in the materials research. The nature of the process of sputtering makes available ions that can be utilized for tailoring the chemistry or the structure of the film.

Electron beam and thermal evaporation system 

Electron beam and thermal evaporation systems are broadly used for metal deposition. By introducing a high voltage electron beam to the sources, metals like Al, Ti, Ni, Au, etc, can then be evaporated to the substrate. Thermal evaporation is conducted by heating a tungsten boat to the boiling point to evaporate the metal sources like Au, Pd, etc.

X射線光電子能譜儀 XPS system 

X射線光電子能譜學(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,簡稱XPS)是一種用於測定材料中元素構成、實驗式,以及其中所含元素化學態和電子態的定量能譜技術。這種技術用X射線照射所要分析的材料,同時測量從材料表面以下1奈米到10奈米範圍內逸出電子的動能和數量,從而得到X射線光電子能譜。X射線光電子能譜技術需要在超高真空環境下進行。

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface-sensitive quantitative spectroscopic technique based on the photoelectric effect that can identify the elements that exist within a material (elemental composition) or are covering its surface, as well as their chemical state, and the overall electronic structure and density of the electronic states in the material. XPS is a powerful measurement technique because it not only shows what elements are present, but also what other elements they are bonded to. The technique can be used in line profiling of the elemental composition across the surface, or in depth profiling when paired with ion-beam etching. It is often applied to study chemical processes in the materials in their as-received state or after cleavage, scraping, exposure to heat, reactive gasses or solutions, ultraviolet light, or during ion implantation.

角分辨光電子能譜儀 ARPES

角分辨光電子能譜學 (Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy,ARPES),是一種直接觀測某固體裡電子結構的方法,通常是利用極高的能量的光子,照射某固體,並且觀察電子的散射,就可以知道某固體裡的電子結構,這種技術對固態物理有很大的幫助。由於這種技術可以顯示其準確度極高,曾經被喻為:一個可以看見電子結構的顯微鏡。(a microscope for where and how the electrons move)[2]而到了今天,角分辨光電子能譜學仍是觀察電子結構的最佳利器。 

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is an experimental technique in condensed matter physics that is used to measure the distribution in energy and momentum of electrons ejected from a solid by ultraviolet light or soft X-rays in the process known as the photoelectric effect. The freed electrons carry detailed information about the electronic excitations in the material: their allowed energies and momenta (band structure), and scattering processes and interactions with other excitations in the bulk and at the surface of the system. This makes ARPES one of the most powerful direct methods of studying the electronic structure of solids.

掃描式穿隧顯微鏡 STM

掃描穿隧顯微镜(英語:Scanning Tunneling Microscope,縮寫為STM),是一種利用量子穿隧效應探測物質表面結構的儀器。它於1981年由格爾德·賓寧及海因里希·羅雷爾在IBM位於瑞士蘇黎世的蘇黎世實驗室發明,兩位發明者因此與電子顯微鏡的發明者恩斯特·魯斯卡分享了1986年諾貝爾物理學獎。


A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is an instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zürich), the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. For an STM, good resolution is considered to be 0.1 nm lateral resolution and 0.01 nm (10 pm) depth resolution. With this resolution, individual atoms within materials are routinely imaged and manipulated. The STM can be used not only in ultra-high vacuum but also in air, water, and various other liquid or gas ambients, and at temperatures ranging from near zero kelvin to over 1000 °C.



UV-OZONE stripper/cleaner uses a unique combination of ultraviolet radiation, ozone, and heat to gently, yet effectively, remove organic materials from substrates. 


Optical Microscope with incident bright field/dark field illumination tube and microscope frame for transmitted and reflected light microscopy. Wide field eyepiece of 10X plus objective ranging from 5X to 100X, giving a max 1000X in amplification. 


(II) 物性量測實驗室 


四點探針量測系統  Probe Station 

                              室溫量測機台                                            升溫量測機台                                

機械探針台用於從半導體設備的內部節點物理獲取信號。 探針台利用操縱器,可將細針精確定位在半導體器件的表面上。 如果設備接受到電訊號,則信號會由機械探頭獲取並顯示在示波器或SMU上。 機械探針台通常用於半導體器件的故故障分析。

機械探頭有兩種類型:主動和被動。 無源探頭通常由細的鎢針組成。 有源探頭在探頭尖端使用FET器件,以顯著減少電路負載。

A mechanical probe station is used to physically acquire signals from the internal nodes of a semiconductor device. The probe station utilizes manipulators which allow the precise positioning of thin needles on the surface of a semiconductor device. If the device is being electrically stimulated, the signal is acquired by the mechanical probe and is displayed on an oscilloscope or SMU. The mechanical probe station is often used in the failure analysis of semiconductor devices.

There are two types of mechanical probes: active and passive. Passive probes usually consist of a thin tungsten needle. Active probes utilize a FET device on the probe tip in order to significantly reduce loading on the circuit.

物理性質量測系統 (Physical Property Measurement System ,PPMS)

Physical property measurement system (PPMS) is a convenient instrument which can measure electric signal under controllable temperature and applied magnetic field. The advantage of PPMS is due to the function of ever cool dewar, which can liquefy He gas and produce Liquefied He (LHe). Hence the consumption of LHe is saved and the storage of the LHe is maintained.

SQUID VSM為一量測磁性性質儀器,可用於量測變磁場及變溫環境下的樣品磁性。量測變因及數據擷取皆由電腦自動化控制。超靈敏的磁性量測由超導汲取線圈及超導量子干涉裝置達成。此外,為了加強量測的速度及靈敏度,使用了震動樣品的量測方式。
SQUID VSM採用的超導電磁線圈,可將樣品的外加磁場加到7個特斯拉。而超導線圈及超導量子干涉裝置皆利用液態氦降溫。液態氦也搭配加熱線圈,對樣品量測進行溫控,可控制範圍為1.8-400K。為了節省液態氦,液態氮夾層用來降低液態氦與外界的熱交換。
The SQUID VSM is an analytical instrument configured to study the magnetic properties of small experimental samples over a broad range of temperatures and magnetic fields. Automated control and data collection are provided by a computer and various electronic controllers. Extremely sensitive magnetic measurements are performed with superconducting pickup coils and a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID). To optimize speed and sensitivity, the SQUID VSM utilizes some analytic techniques employed by Vibrating Sample Magnetometers (VSMs). Specifically, the sample is vibrated at a known frequency and phase-sensitive detection is employed for rapid data collection and spurious signal rejection. Unlike traditional (non-superconducting) VSMs, the size of the signal produced by a sample is not dependent on the frequency of vibration, but only on the magnetic moment of the sample, the vibration amplitude, and the design of the SQUID detection circuit.
The SQUID VSM utilizes a superconducting magnet (a solenoid of superconducting wire) to subject samples to magnetic fields up to 7 Tesla (70 kOe). The SQUID and magnet must both be cooled with liquid helium. Liquid helium is also used to cool the sample chamber, providing temperature control of samples from 400 down to 1.8 Kelvin. To help conserve liquid helium, the system is designed to use less costly liquid nitrogen to intercept heat bound for the helium tank. The SQUID VSM will only operate properly with both cryogens in use: liquid helium and liquid nitrogen.

(III) 新穎材料核心設施氧化物磊晶實驗室 


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